Basic Home Plumbing System Tools

Basic Home Plumbing System Tools

A typical home plumbing system has only three main components: a fixtures and appliance unit, a plumbing pipe and a drain field. First, water enters the house through a main plumbing line. In most cases, this is a rainfall-fed supply line to the roof. Then, it goes on to the fixture and appliance unit, which contains all the appliances connected to the water source.

Next, waste products exit the system through an appliance drain. This can either be a septic tank or an outdoor sewer line. Then, the next stage is the plumbing pipes, which connect the fixtures to the drainage system. From the drainage system, it is then onto the outside of the home, passing through drains, trenches or commodes. Finally, the waste gets dumped into a sewerage system or another disposal unit.

To keep your home plumbing system working smoothly, there are a few important things that you need to know and understand. This will help prevent frequent breakdowns due to plumbing leaks, damage and clogs. Here are some tips on maintaining your plumbing system:

Use the correct size and type of valves for your plumbing system. Use standard sized valves for main lines and collector tanks. This is to prevent water from flowing in the wrong direction. Since the pipes are long and sometimes hard to see, opt for remote-controlled valves, which make it easier to regulate the flow of water and the pressure. If you have a bathtub, make sure that the spout of the tub and its outlet pipes are not blocked. The reason is because a blocked drain can cause serious problems like backflow and overflow.

Choose the right kind of fittings and fixtures for your plumbing. For example, stainless steel and brass are commonly used for the fixtures. They are both durable and look stylish as well. In addition, they are the most appropriate for indoor plumbing, since they can withstand harsh elements such as temperature, humidity and sunlight.

Properly maintain all faucets and fixtures in your house. Since plumbing systems are made of metal, it is important to regularly clean and rust free the fittings. It also helps if you avoid using harsh detergents and soaps when cleaning your fixtures. Proper maintenance will help you save on future expenses on repairs.

Make sure that your sink and your faucets are properly maintained. Use low pressure setting whenever possible when washing utensils or dishes inside the sink. This will prevent the build up of mineral deposits inside the sinks. You can also prevent the build up of hard water deposits in the faucets by periodically replacing the water supply pipes with new ones.

Installing an exhaust fan near your hot water tank can help you save on cooling costs. A good exhaust fan will also reduce steam build up inside your sinks and tubs. Make sure that the vents are properly sealed to prevent steam from getting out. Your plumbing system works smoothly only if you take care of a few plumbing issues at home. Make sure that you get in touch with a professional to fix any plumbing issues in your house.
